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 Hello dear bloggers! This time you'll have to tell us about a meal or food you really like, OR about a photograph (or image) that is meaningful to you (Choose ONLY ONE topic). Include this information:

Topic A: Tell us about a food or meal that you really like.

  • What is it? (describe it)
  • How is it made?
  • Why do you like it so much?
  • How does it impact your health?
  • Upload pictures
Topic B: Tell us about a photograph (or image) that is meaningful to you.
  • What does it mean to you?
  • Why does it interest you.
  • What is the story behind the photo.
  • Upload the photo

As always, make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.
Word Count: 150 words.

Topic A: 

Italian cuisine is popular all over the world, but one dish is especially well-known. It consists of a flat round bread base with cheese, tomatoes, vegetables, meat, etc. on top. Can you make a guess? Yes, Pizza! And it is my favourite food.

The word Pizza comes from Italian and it literally means "pie". Making it is easy thanks to its simple recipe and basic ingredients.

The original pizza comes from Naples in the Campania region of Italy.
The traditional recipe says that to make the dough you have to use wheat flour, yeast, water and season with some salt. Don't use any other ingredients or additives.

So, when the dough is ready, it's time to make a sauce. First, you have to chop onion and fry it in olive oil, then add good-quality tomatoes and some salt.
When the sauce is cooled, you carefully have to put some on the bread base. Then add the mozzarella, a cheese from southern Italy.
Once you have followed these simple steps, the pizza is ready to go into the hot oven. It stays there for about ten minutes until the base is golden brown. Once it's baked, add a few basil leaves on top, and there you are, the perfect pizza! This is the traditional pizza Marguerita, the original pizza.

There is no better feeling in the world than a warm pizza in front of you. You can make many different kinds. There's pizza Romana, with olives and artichokes, or pizza al funghi, with mushroom and garlic, you can even do one at your choice, just choose how many toppings and how much cheese you want.

I love pizza because you can serve it on many occasions, and because it smells and tastes delicious. I celebrate with pizza all the time.

Even though this might be the reason for my muffin top and double chin... a pizza lover will always be a pizza lover. 

Anyways, don't eat pizza alone or in excess because it can cause serious harm to your health. Eat it on special occasions with friends or your family and you will enjoy it much better. 

Pizza Margherita
A picture of the delicious Pizza Margherita!

Pizza Romana
Pizza Romana

Pizza Al Funghi
Pizza Al Funghi


  1. Hi teacher, I didn't know the word pizza means "pie". It's so strange because when I think in pizza, i don't think in a "pie" or anything same.
    PD: When i was a kid, in didn't like the pizza, because i didn´t like the tomatoes and cheese. (yeah, so strange)

  2. Hi miss!!
    pizza is also my favorite food
    In my house in Coquimbo, sometimes I make the dough myself.

  3. Hi!!
    Pizza is also one of my favorite foods, so reading your blog really made me want to try real Italian pizza :(
    Someday when I travel and eat it I will tell you my opinion about it <3

  4. Hi, I think my favorite food is fried fish with "duchesse" potatoes, I eat it when I go to Valparaiso. But, also i love the milk chocolate :3

  5. Hi Miss! I love pizza. When I was in Italy I eat so many pizza, that my clothes don't fit me. Hahahaha.

  6. Hi miss, I would like to try the real italian pizza. But, if we talk about italian food I prefer spaghetti with a lot of cheese.

  7. Hi teacher, now that I read you blog I really want to eat pizza!I did not know much about the origin of pizza, so that was fun to read ♡

  8. pizza is the best thing in the world, you can add a variety of toppings and it is still delicious. It is also a good meal when you want to hang out with friends.


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